From Julie Namondo, Volunteer in Maumu

February 17, 2020

RCH Maumu started in the year 2010. I personally joined the RCH Maumu in the year 2011. RCH has helped and is helping many children in the village and the community as a whole. It has given hope to many orphans.

When RCH started, we had no permanent place or house to meet and study. We were moving from house to house and from church to church. In some places the people were not happy or willing to receive us. The program began with an enrollment of twelve, but now it is growing greatly.

In the year 2013, Gideon, the pastor at that time, applied for a piece of land in the village, and the chief of the village, Chief William Molua Liteke, gave us a piece of land near the primary school in Maumu village.

We remain thankful for this great love and concern.

With the coming of the new pastor, Pastor George, the sponsors of RCH worked hard and sent money for a permanent structure to be constructed. A building of three classrooms, a modern kitchen, store, and toilets were constructed. We remain thankful for this great love and concern.

We have six adult volunteers in Maumu, excluding those of Lysoka who have been teaching the children. We now have an enrollment of about sixty orphan children in Maumu who have joined RCH.

The orphans who attend the program are happy because it helps them to have a relationship with God, it meets their needs, and they have food to eat every time they meet.

Because of their poverty, some guardians and parents cannot afford to make birth certificates for the children. Because of this it makes the registration of their children difficult.

The orphans who attend the program are happy because it helps them to have a relationship with God, it meets their needs, and they have food to eat every time they meet. We are also very happy as volunteers for what is happening to these children, and we are thankful for the token we receive.

Everything is moving well. We pray that God should continue to bless the six members of the board, Mr. Ben Chilcutt, Mr. Joel McDowell, Mr. Ronald Wilson, Mr. Billy Myers, Mr. Jonathan Kiel, and Mr. Jim Kiel.

Thanks to you and to all our sponsors. May the Lord Almighty give all of you long life and bless you all and your families.

NOTE: We are so very fortunate to have Julie volunteering for us. She is the wife of the chief of the tribe in Maumu. Without Chief Liteke’s support, RCH would not be successful in that village.
He has assisted and approved of the gaining of land and building the building. We thank him and Julie for caring so much for the orphan children in Cameroon.

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